Sunday, March 30, 2014

So here is my dress so far. I really do love the material for this dress. I pinned it to my manikin as I have to sew the side ready for snaps and sew the straps on. I am really glad I only pinned it as I realized I pinned the straps upside down..Note to oneself: watch the pattern when sewing straps on.. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Well today I cut the pattern out. I for the first time did not use pins, I used my Wonder Weights. They are from the 1940's and are about 1 inch wide and have a good weight to them. You place them around your pattern, cut and remove. your done. No more long time spent on pinning then unpinning….It was so much faster and much easier. I will never pin another pattern again. I suggest buying and trying. Now to start sewing…

Saturday, March 22, 2014


   Been too long since I posted anything. The new job does take a lot of my time but I am participating in the Sew for Victory that just started. Below is my project. Going to cut the material tomorrow. What do you think of the material?